Below is a list of our most commonly asked questions. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following details or by filling out our contact form. Our team is always happy to assist.
For proof of address:
The rest is simple. View our straightforward few-step registration process here. We recommend making a pre-booking to guarantee the availability of our staff to assist you upon your arrival. You can pre-book by contacting us on 01332 986 670 or by filling out a contact form.
Your safe deposit box is only accessible to you and any additional account holders. No third party or Secure Vaults has access to your
secure box. While you are not required to disclose the contents of your box to us, we strongly advise you to maintain a comprehensive
inventory, along with valuations and pictures of your items for insurance purposes.
Monday to Saturday: 09.30 – 17:30
Sunday and Bank Holidays: Closed
Last entry into the vault is 15 minutes before all closing times.
Please be aware that our vault is equipped with a time lock, strictly prohibiting access outside regular operating hours under any circumstances.
All of our lockers are insured for a minimum value of £15,000. We have allocated high value lockers with insurance coverage up to £500,000. Our team members are available to assist you in selecting the appropriate locker for your requirements.
For more detail see our insurance page.
You will be notified, either by email or letter, approximately one month before your membership expires, inviting you to renew for another term. We offer various payment methods for your renewal fees, including cash, debit card, or Bacs.
If you choose not to renew, you are required to submit written notice at least one month before the end of your contract. Your box must be emptied, and the keys and RFID card returned to us by the last day of your term.
37 East Street
Monday to Saturday – 09:30 – 17:30
Sundays – Closed
Bank Holidays – Closed
Last entry into the vault is 15 minutes before closing.
FCA Registration Number 1001887
Website by Evolution Media
You will need to provide one form of identification and one proof of address.
We accept the following documents.
For proof of identification:
For proof of address: